Air conditioning optimization (subscription-based) /Air-as-a-Service - Green&Circular 脱炭素ソリューション|三井物産

Decarbonization Solution Green&Circular


Air conditioning optimization (subscription-based) /Air-as-a-Service

Mitsui and the Daikin Industries Group have jointly established Air as a Service., Ltd. ("AaaS") to provide energy-efficient and comfortable air conditioning subscription services for buildings, hospitals, factories, and other facilities through this company.

This service provides a comfortable air-conditioning environment for a fixed monthly fee, and has the advantage of minimizing the risk of air-conditioning downtime by installing air-conditioning equipment on behalf of facility owners at the time of air-conditioning equipment renewal and preventing sudden air-conditioning breakdowns through predictive maintenance using IoT. In addition, by analyzing air conditioning operating data through IoT, energy-saving support for eliminating waste in air conditioning use can be provided over the long-term contract period (7-13 years), thereby reducing utility costs. This service will help facility owners achieve decarbonization.

In addition, the service can be fully outsourced to facility managers, who are obliged to carry out statutory inspections and periodic cleaning based on the CFC Emission Control Law.

Click here to learn more about Air as a Service., Ltd.

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