Visualization of emissions from a corporate perspective /e-dash - Green&Circular Decabonization Solution|MITSUI & CO., LTD.


Visualization of emissions from a corporate perspective /e-dash

e-dash offers "e-dash," a platform that helps companies and municipalities visualize and reduce their CO2 emissions.
By simply uploading electricity and gas bills, "e-dash" automatically calculates and visualizes CO2 emissions (Scope 1 and 2) in addition to providing data on monthly utility bills. It also supports the calculation of supply chain emissions (Scope 3), making it easy and accurate to visualize emissions, the first step toward decarbonization.
"e-dash" can visualize emissions on a company or office basis, providing an optimal emissions visualization solution for companies with multiple business locations and regional SMEs with financial institutions as hubs.
After visualization, we provide comprehensive support to companies and municipalities in their efforts to decarbonize, including switching electricity suppliers, selling non-fossil certificates and carbon credits, and introducing renewable energy as specific emissions reduction measures.

To learn more about "e-dash," click here.
To learn more about e-dash Carbon Offset, click here.

In addition, we operate "accel," a media site that provides information on carbon neutrality to companies that are working to decarbonize their businesses by providing easy-to-understand explanations of difficult decarbonization terms and mechanisms to accelerate carbon neutrality.

Click here to learn more about the media "accel."

If you are interested in e-dash, please click "Contact us" below to contact us.

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